This is a compilation of organizations for research, community empowerment, and other useful antislavery resources.

Northern Slavery Collective
Comprised of sites and organizations in lower New York and nearby New Jersey and Connecticut, NorSC members are engaged in rethinking their current narratives to create inclusivity by featuring stories of enslaved and free Black peoples who lived and worked on these properties. NorSC serves as a resource to the public and educational communities for understanding and learning about these forgotten stories. The public-facing goal is to end the myth that slavery did not exist in the North or was mild in comparison to slavery in the South.

Underground Railroad Consortium
The Underground Railroad Consortium of New York State (URCNYS) is a coalition of organizations across New York State with programs and sites related to the Underground Railroad that preserve and celebrate Underground Railroad history and its relevance for today.

Atlantic Black Box Project
The Atlantic Black Box Project is a grassroots historical recovery project that empowers communities throughout New England to research, reveal, and begin reckoning with the region’s complicity in the slave trade and the global economy of enslavement.

Celebrating the African Spirit
The mission of CAS is to commemorate the contributions of enslaved Africans and their descendants in the building of the city of Poughkeepsie. CAS engages in social action projects to address the consequences of institutionalized racism that Black and Brown people live with today.

African American Archive of Columbia County
The mission of the African American Archive of Columbia County is to forge a deeper understanding of the lived historical experience of Black people in the Hudson Valley, for the benefit of both their descendants and the world at large.

Underground Railroad Education Center
Underground Railroad Education Center researches and preserves the local and national history of the Underground Railroad movement, its international connections, and its legacy to today’s social justice issues, thereby empowering people of all ages to be agents of change toward an equitable and just society.